Friday, August 8, 2008

Lewy, Energizer Bunny.

Daddy did not sleep last night. Period.
And considering he was frantic the entire day and really didn't sleep the night before either...his day of pacing, sweating, freaking out over anything and everything and having Oscar-winning hallucinations, you'd think he would pass out from delerium. But, no. Seriously, every 5 minutes there was an "emergency" with him yesterday. If we dared to go upstairs to do laundry, go use the bathroom, whatever...he was yelling for us. If he couldn't SEE us, we'd abandoned him.
Last night, about every 20 minutes, one of us was down there helping him in the bathroom or turning off lights and getting Lewy back in bed. His main focus all night was that he didn't know when he was supposed to go to work, so he was all amped up about being late. Oy.
But now that it's time to get up, feed the kiddies, start the day, he is sound asleep. For how long, I don't know...but I do know that I searched all day yesterday for a nursing home that take people with dementia. I was on the phone half the day, looking at places and then of course, attempting to do the things we actually need to get done for our lives and our children's lives to somewhat continue on. This is so ridiculous.
Of the 13 homes I called, there were two in my city that would even consider taking looks like a meth lab and the other doesn't have a bed available anyway.
My search continues today. I must add that on "the" Alzheimer's website, they have this search you can do for facilities...USELESS! One would think that on an Alzheimer's site, they would only list the places that would accept people with dementia's...but, uh-uh...the list they have is like looking in the phone book. I expected more from the Alzheimer's Association, how disappointing.

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