Saturday, August 2, 2008

The First Night is Over.

The first night went better than I anticipated, but I still didn't sleep.
Then-husband and I were beat from the day of moving so we went to bed early. I was dead asleep by a little after 9pm.
10:45 pm came with screams. Downstairs, my Dad was yelling, I think as loud as humanly possible, "Hellllllllooooooooo? Helllllllllloooooooooooooooooo?".
I was on my feet and heading toward the stairs before I even realized I was awake. I've never done that before. It scared me, I must say.
We go downstairs and he was "lost" between the two feet of hallway that separates his room and his bathroom. He couldn't find the lightswitch. So he decided it was a good idea to scream bloody murder. I think I was calm and just showed him where it was and he apologized.
We went back upstairs.
I was so amped up that I tossed and turned until about midnight and then got online.
At about 2 am I decided to head to bed to try sleep again and I noticed that my Dad had turned on EVERY light downstairs. I went down and turned them off and I then noticed that he'd opened his blinds and curtains...BUT...he was actually asleep in his own bed. Miracle! Except for when we picked him up, he hasn't slept in a bed in eons.
I didn't hear a peep out of him until about 7am.
Glad someone slept. After he'd screamed, my nerves were so shot I couldn't come down from it, so I never did get back to sleep. I am exhausted.

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