Monday, August 25, 2008

Adjusting to being normal?

I haven't posted because I am not used to this. I have nothing to report about my Dad.
I haven't called him since they took him because I know he's going to be completely confused and crying if I do, so I plan on calling the Dr. there today to see how things are going first.
The last few days I have swung between feeling completely exhausted and useless, to sad and depressed, and then full of energy that my body really isn't able to utilize.
I feel like I have failed my Dad and myself for allowing this to happen, for letting him be where he is.
YES, I know that common sense and logic (and everyone around me) tell me that I have to, for once, think of myself and my own family...that this situation was insane and that I could not go on like that anymore. I know all that. But it doesn't change that I still feel like I failed. And I don't get how everyone else can just go on like it's this normal? It's normal to be able to be happy while one of your family members is in a psych ward waiting to be made a ward of the state because you couldn't take care of him? If that is normal, then this explains why I am NOT "normal" and never have been.
This is not right, it's just not.

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