Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Let me sleep pleeeeeeeeeaase.

At a few minutes before 10pm last night, the facility called. I didn't answer it initially because I was SLEEPING and let it go to voicemail...then I got up I listened to it in case it was actually "something" this time.
The message didn't sound good. The girl left no real information...she just said that she needed me to call her back...she sounded, well, like she had bad news.
NO, no, no...!
So I called right back.
Drum roll....
She says that she was calling to let me know that EARLIER they had noticed a bruise on my Dad's abdomen...EARLIER...and that he was sleeping right now.
I swallowed the words I really wanted to say and asked why they didn't call me EARLIER or tomorrow MORNING, like, when we would be, like, I dunno........AWAKE????
Then she apologized and hung up. I took the phone off the hook again.
So...yet another call to the head Nurse, Matt, tomorrow morning, I guess?
After the call, of course I was wide awake. I started worrying about things concerning the conservatorship...like WHO is going to trim his fingernails and toenails when he's a ward of the state...will anyone do that? Will anyone cut his hair? Shave him? I was making myself crazy thinking that no one will take care of his needs.
Not that he thinks WE were taking care of him. Everytime we didn't get to him within seconds, he'd yell that he'd been waiting an hour...an HOUR...that is exactly what his mother always said too. No matter how quick you got to Nany calls, she would cuss and yell that she'd been waiting an HOUR. Always an hour.
I dunno. I need to stop thinking about all of this. I am making myself insane with worry.
I dunno, Daddy, I hope that you will eventually go to a better place so you will have an understanding of what really went on.
It kills me that there's the possibility that he thinks we didn't try our best to take care of him.

Hmm...but oh, there's more...

At around 11am I got a phone call from the facility. Seems that Daddy is being so disruptive they had to put him in one of those weird new "gery" (sp? like geriatric?) chairs. Apparently Daddy went ballistic again and was in and out of people's rooms...eventually into the room of a woman, which they of course frown upon for good reason...and he ended up throwing a TV table over...thus also throwing her TV on the floor...and it, of course, broke.
I'm sure I'll be getting a nice fat bill for that...wonder if they're gonna splurge and buy an even bigger TV now?
The Nurse said that my Dad is actually sort of "okay" with being in this chair...it's this weirdo contraption made of what looks like PVC pipe, fashioned into this box-frame of sorts...and they can use it as a seat or walker...but it limits the space they can fit into (so they can't be as invasive in other people's space)...and if they become out of hand, it has wheels so the Nurse's can gain control much more quickly.
I tell ya...something new and interesting everyday.

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