Monday, January 26, 2009


It is 3 weeks since Daddy kicked Lewy to the curb.
And it's Mommy's birthday.


no1daughteroflewydad said...

Hello Laine,

Oh dear...those birthdays, anniversaries, xmas etc are so tough. I feel for you. My younger brother still writes cards for Mum and on Dad's xmas card he wrote to 'Dear Mum and Dad'.
Grief is so consuming. My brother lives in an extension on the house and in his lounge room we have my Nana's ashes, Mum's and the dogs...why, you may ask because after something happens to Dad, oh and Mum asked me to get her Fathers ashes from the cemetery and then take them all to their favorite spot. Which just happens to be Sydney Harbour Bridge, a 10-12 hr drive and gather the whole family, alive and passed and scatter them. Now that's going to be one interesting drive.

take care and have you had that massage yet?

lots of best wishes

Life With Lewy said...

Wow, that gave me chills...definitely a drive to say the least! I'd love to be "the fly on the proverbial wall" for that one...quite an emotionally charged adventure...a very important day for sure.
NO massage yet...I need to get it scheduled, I keep forgetting!