Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Real-live people.

Just as I hit "Publish" on my last post, the doorbell rang and it was the UPS guy delivering us some sympathy for my Dad passing away. They are from my Mom's sister and family who live in Sacramento. See! There ARE people out there who know how to be nice! (I'm telling this to myself...)
And it should be mentioned that the family that sent it have had some seriously tough times themselves Aunt Dody (my Mom's sister) JUST got out of the hospital a few days ago...and she found the time and even THOUGHT about sending US flowers? Beyond thoughtful and nice.
Not that I in any way expect that everyone need to send flowers...not at all...but I just want to say this....
SEE, You JERKS in NM...see how REAL people/family behave? Take a LESSON!

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